Where’s The Blessing In Uncertainty?

Where’s The Blessing in Uncertainty?

There are two times when uncertainty was front and centre and was a blessing in my life.

One was when I stopped drinking, and the other was when I had the experience of life-threatening cancer.

I am a linear thinker. My sense of power comes from my ability to solve problems. When presented with a problem, I look for the steps to solve that problem. I have always sought certainty.

When I quit drinking, I had to release my hold on certainty and problem-solving abilities and go forward one step at a time. 

This time is one of those times when uncertainty is front and centre. 

It is time at my age and stage to transition to a new design for my life. This is unnerving because there is no clear path.

I have found my thinking going one way and then another, back and forth, until I lost my centre and needed to figure out what I was doing or what direction I was going.

There came a moment when I broke down in tears because I did not know the answer, and I could not see ahead. All my skills of problem-solving seemed useless.

This is an uncertain and scary place for me. What I thought was certain was a delusion. 

Not only do I have to stay present in my life as I work through a new design, but I have to face the chaos of the world and the mess we have created. 

What is the blessing in all this disruption?

The blessing I know because I have experienced it in my life is that when I turn away from the old ways of thinking and problem-solving, space is created for something new to arrive. If I had not turned away from my old ways years ago, I would not be sober today.

So, the turnaround for me is to relax, breathe deeply, and remember who I am at my core - my authentic self.


The Divine Spark Within


Entropy: The Hidden Catalyst That Calls For Transformation