The Divine Spark Within

Have you ever felt like you've been kicked in the emotional gut?

The pain of betrayal, a significant loss, or a misunderstanding that led to a breakdown made you feel sick.

The unintended journey into the darkness brings up anger, fear, resentment, and sadness.

Sleep escapes us as our mind churns through the circumstances of a time we did not anticipate.

We fight to stay in the light, yet the weight of the downward journey envelops us.

How on earth did I get here, you ask yourself.

What could be the turning point to bring us back to the light?

One part of the answer is to know that every one of us has the spark of the divine within our hearts.

This seed of wisdom sits in the storm's centre, awaiting our attention, poise, persistence, and understanding that we are never without resources.

This time, the resources are from within because the old habits and strategies do not work in this transforming environment.

When transitioning into a journey of dark times, we are called to a significant and profound transformation in our lives.

We use our awareness and attention to let go of those attitudes, habits, and ways of being in the world we have held so tightly, believing they could work for us in any circumstance.

Times have changed at this juncture.

The time of darkness is a time to rely on our divine spark to let the transformation emerge in a way you never imagined.


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