Our Obsession With Certainty

We are obsessed with certainty to the point where the transaction between an organization and a client is far more critical than the two convening to accomplish an objective.

I grew up being obsessed with certainty because I felt unsafe. 

These days, I feel unsafe and anxious in a world where proof of the process is paramount to the supposed success of the transaction.

No matter how many processes we put in place, it is impossible to eliminate all risk of failure. We have taken to planning for the iceberg we cannot see as we move forward with precise determination and application.

In my case, the engagement with a significant institution became a stream of requests for documents that relied on the papers to prove some aspect of my life.

Having to engage in the unspoken agreement that certainty through proof of aspects of my life will keep us safe left me with a profound perspective as to where we have come in our obsession and dependency on certainty.

When you close your eyes, ears, and heart to the power of a relationship, a critical part of the process goes missing.


How Often Do You Check Out?


David VS Goliath