What Does Well-Being Mean To You?

When we speak of well-being, we inherently refer to our overall emotional, physical, and spiritual condition.

As you notice how you feel, you might say you feel good. You have an overall sense in your body that it is operating well, and you feel optimistic about your life.

The subject has now become a hot topic in media, personal growth, and a guiding principle for human resource management.

There are ongoing attempts to define and measure well-being and produce exercises and tools to help us get to that place called well-being.

However, to date, the results are mixed as to whether we are getting ahead.

Although I'm pretty sure, like me, you'd like to have a sense of well-being in your life.

The research, which has been ongoing for several years, tells us that if we have a good sense of well-being, we can handle challenging life situations better.

For me, well-being must start with a series of activities. Otherwise, I am destined for failure. Here's what I do every day to deepen and expand my sense of well-being.

First, I have developed a cadence in my life. It is probably because my rhythm has been disrupted when I feel out of sync.

Every morning I rise at the same time.

Before I do anything else, I drink two glasses of water.

Then meditation is next for fifteen to twenty minutes.

After meditation comes learning, reading, and studying, so my brain is active.

After study time, I take a few minutes to reflect on my day and life and feel my inner self.

Then it is time for writing. I find great joy, peace, and aliveness in writing every day.

One of my favourite times of the day is to sit in my chair overlooking our beautiful garden and revel in the growth, colours, and sheer fascination with life right outside my window.

Dr. Rick Hanson, a psychologist, says, "You have the power to change your brain for the better."

Our brains are plastic and available for creating new pathway connections.

To make these new connections, we need to take a specific action. 

What actions can you take to experience and deepen your sense of well-being?


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With My Colour-Blind Vision