Love On The Fence

Every morning I sit in my favourite chair and look out to our beautiful garden and the "Love" sign I have on the fence.

It reminds me to reflect on self-love, the love of others, and my relationship with the unknown, which is invisible and has me not focusing on my concrete plan.

Love, for me, is active engagement in an evolving state of connected energy.

The connection is more profound than the practical activities that will fill my day.

As David Whyte says, "We are under the delusion that our next practical, courageous steps all come from planning, organizing, and strategy."

When I take in the colours, plants, and morning movement in my backyard, I experience the energy of the miracle.

I have a conscious connection to the invisible guidance that is available and not used or understood by all of us.

The invisible hand has made the garden's beauty visible, confirming the evolutionary and constantly changing environment in which we live.

Like the garden, I have reinvented myself several times as circumstances took me in a new direction. At the same time, it is unnerving to realize that wherever I am is only momentary.

My mind wants me to believe everything is solid and non-changing, and it would be best if I got on with the practical planning of the day.

However, I have come to a conscious knowledge of the invisible guidance that requires quiet time.

With self-awareness and self-love, I am learning to speak what lies below the surface of what you see.




He Plops His Body Onto The Floor